Protecting young runaways

The Children’s Society has produced resources focused on vulnerable young people who go missing. They include materials around what to do when a child goes missing and how to prevent runaways. Their planning guide will help local authorities and safeguarding children boards to plan and develop local responses to young runaways. It reflects updated government guidance on the issue. There are also guides for parents and carers, local authority commissioners, teachers and children themselves.


Put Spring in your systems!

Spring is finally here, bringing with it brighter days and new beginnings and what better time of the year to …

‘Evidence Store’ launched for children’s social care

The What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care has launched a new ‘Evidence Store’ – an online database that looks …

Top ten tips for choosing your customised safeguarding audit tool

All Safeguarding Boards have a requirement to check the quality of their safeguarding and early help practice and processes to …