Children in care missing out on advocacy services

Children’s Commissioner for England has revealed in a recent report that 55% of children in care are unaware of their entitlement to an advocate. This means they are left ‘voiceless’ and have to fend for themselves in meetings with professionals. The report, Helping children get the care experience they need, shows there are significant variations in the budgets local authorities allocate to advocacy, and that few children in care or care-leavers access advocates.


New guidance: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers

The Department for Education has issued guidance for schools and colleges around safeguarding children during the Coronavirus pandemic. The guidance supports …

Mockingbird programme to support foster families extended further

The Mockingbird Family Model, delivered by The Fostering Network, centres on a constellation where one foster home acts as a …

Children as young as seven drawn into county line gangs

A report by The Children’s Society has found that children as young as seven are being exploited by county line …