Phew are delighted to announce that the MSCP’s website was launched today along with their Learning Management System. Merton is a borough in south-west London incorporating approximately 20 districts including Wimbledon.
Having been part of the London Borough of Merton council’s website up until now, the MSCP recently made the decision to have their own website and asked Phew to design and develop it on their behalf.
Designed with a nod to the ‘Wimbledon purple’ and to be user-friendly and accessible, Phew have produced a fresh uncluttered look, with clear categories and well-defined calls to action, that should be simple for all stakeholders to use. See more here.
Affiliated with Merton Safeguarding Adults Board, the new Learning Management System will help MSCP streamline their training programme by placing the booking procedure and information distribution between partners online.
For more information about how Phew can help you with your Website development or a Learning Management System, call us on 01234 779 050 or email now.