Fragmentation of adoption services an ethical concern for children

A study by the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) into the role of social workers in adoption cases has found that social workers think the fragmentation of services are an “ethical concern in relation to the implications for children”. The report, The role of the social worker in adoption – ethics and human rights: An Enquiry, highlights that structures within organisations mean it is “difficult for one person to really get to know the child”. Some of those spoken to for the enquiry suggested that social workers should follow the child, rather than being system-led. BASW has called for a significant rethink of approaches to contact for adopted children and their birth families.


Research programme into mental health problems in teenagers launched

A £35 million government-backed research programme has been launched with the aim of giving more support to teenagers battling mental …

Care system ethnic inequalities highlighted

Research by the University of Huddersfield has found huge variations in the likelihood of children from different communities being looked-after. …

Challenges to tackling loneliness

A study has found that gaps in community infrastructure and the growing complexity of people's needs are two key challenges …