Designated teacher for looked-after children – updated guidance

The Department for Education has updated its guidance on designated teachers for looked-after children. The guidance now applies to academies and to children who were previously a looked-after child – a child who is no longer looked-after because they have been adopted, placed under a special guardianship order or a child arrangements order.

The guidance now refers specifically to the higher likelihood that previously looked after children/young people will experience periods of mental ill health as a result of their early experiences. The guidance says that designated staff should have a good understanding of attachment issues, and should raise awareness of these issues with staff.


Changes to safeguarding children statutory guidelines in response to coronavirus

The government has made a series of temporary changes to statutory guidance in relation to safeguarding children, in light of …

National Child Mortality Database arrangements published

Arrangements for reporting child deaths to the new National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) have been published. From 1 April 2019, …

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel – practice guidance published

The new Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has published practice guidance, which provides information on what the panel does, how …