Statutory Guidance

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Changes to safeguarding children statutory guidelines in response to coronavirus

The government has made a series of temporary changes to statutory guidance in relation to safeguarding children, in light of the current coronavirus ...
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Breast ironing recognised as child cruelty and assault by CPS

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has published new guidance setting out that breast ironing should be prosecuted as a form of child abuse. The guid...
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Survey reveals extent of grooming on social media sites

A survey by the NSPCC has revealed that 200,000 children may have been groomed on the most popular social networking sites. It found that one in 25 11...
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Domestic abuse factsheets published

The Domestic Abuse Bill 2019 has been introduced in Parliament. Ahead of the legislation being passed, the Government has published a series of factsh...
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New Ofsted inspections to focus on children’s mental health

A new series of joint inspections will begin in September, focusing on children’s mental health. The inspections will examine how local services res...
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New programme announced to help keep families safely together

The government has announced a new programme of investment aimed at keep families safely together. ‘Supporting Families: Investing in Practice’ is...
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National Child Mortality Database arrangements published

Arrangements for reporting child deaths to the new National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) have been published. From 1 April 2019, any new child deat...
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First national review from the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

The new Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has announced the first ever national child safeguarding practice review. In a letter from the Chair ...
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Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel – practice guidance published

The new Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has published practice guidance, which provides information on what the panel does, how it works and ...